what is play therapy?​
play is the language of children and toys are their words. a therapist using play therapy techniques works as a "translator", enabling children to feel seen, heard and understood in ways that foster emotional healing and increase client’s self confidence. sessions are 50 minutes and scheduled in advance.
what do I tell my child before their first session?
this truly depends on the child, but these videos from Dr. Dee Ray are a great introduction to explaining play therapy sessions to both kids and their parents. it is important that the child feels like the space is theirs. we encourage parents to not ask the child too many questions about their time in therapy, not to speak about the child in front of them, and to reinforce that the space is confidential between them and their therapist.
child video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmKxvTtSWoc
parent video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onn_qF4pZ9Q
are parents a part of the therapeutic process?
YES parent sessions occur once every 4-5 weeks. parent sessions are an integral part of the child’s work. we work with parents individually while maintaining client confidentiality to ensure that we are all doing our part in supporting the child. consistent, responsive caregiving positively impacts brain development. we will talk about attachment, attunement, validation, and all the things!
what are your rates? do you take insurance?
unfortunately - we do not take insurance. however, you can upload a superbill directly from our EMR system and submit directly to your insurance company for reimbursement. fox & acorn child therapy does not communicate directly with insurance providers. you can also ask your insurance company about the process of getting a single case agreement approved.